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Approved by the general meeting of

Members of a public organization

"Association of cavy breeders GPCo"

February 23, 2017


The Consitution of the Association of cavy breeders GPCo.


I. General Provisions.


1.1. The public organization "Association of cavy breeders GPCo", hereinafter referred to as "Association" or "Club", is a club of interests, based on membership, a public association created on the initiative of citizens of the Russian Federation.


1.2. The full name of the organization: "Association of cavy breeders GPCo", from the English abbeviature GPCo - Guinea Pig and Company - Guinea Pig and Co.


1.3. The Association carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Public Associations", other legal acts of the Russian Federation and this Charter.


1.4. The Association operates without state registration and the acquisition of the rights of a legal entity.


1.5. The activities of the Association are public, information about its constituent and program documents is publicly available.


1.6. The Association can join international public associations, acquire rights and bear obligations corresponding to the status of these international public associations, maintain direct international contacts and relations, and conclude agreements with foreign non-profit non-governmental associations.


1.7. The Association has a round stamp with its name, logo and its own symbols.


1.8. The Constitution comes into force from the moment of its adoption by the general meeting and is considered concluded for an indefinite period.


1.9. Disputes between the parties arising in the course of the execution of the Constitution are resolved through negotiations. If an agreement is not reached during the negotiations, then the disputes are resolved in court.


II. Purpose and subject of activity of the Association of cavy breeders GPCo.

2.1. Association of cavy breeders GPCo was created to popularize purebred guinea pigs, familiarize themselves with various standards for each breed, independently conduct breed exhibitions of guinea pigs, assist in organizing and holding exhibitions and charitable events in Moscow and other cities. The Association is open to friendship and cooperation with other clubs and organizations.


2.2. The Club aims to maintain and streamline the breeding work of breeders, increase literacy in breeding, keeping and treatment of guinea pigs, conduct seminars, lectures and judgings, giving breeders the opportunity to competently and consciously engage in pure breeding.


2.3. The Club was created to independently conduct and assist in the conduct of breed exhibitions of guinea pigs and charitable events on the territory of Moscow. The Association is open for friendship and cooperation with other clubs and organizations.


2.4. The Club was also created to provide assistance and support to its members and their caviaries.


2.5. Fellowship members provide free consulting assistance to novice breeders and guinea pig owners.


2.6. The Club establishes contacts with foreign and Russian breeders and organizations involved in the protection and breeding of domestic animals, exchanges experience on advanced breeding, keeping, veterinary practices with anyone in the Russian Federation and abroad.


III. The rights and obligations of Club members.


3.1. Members of the Association of cavy breeders GPCo can be:

• any person who shares the goals of the community, recognizes the Constitution of the Club and wants to take part in the work of the Club;

• any public association that has expressed solidarity with the Constitution goals and objectives of the Association, ready to recognize the Constitution and promote the activities of the commonwealth, including through voluntary funding of events held by the Association.


3.2. The decision to admit and expel club members is made by a simple vote at the general meeting.


3.3. Members of the Association of cavy breeders GPCo have the right to:

• receive information about the activities of the Club;

• actively participate in activities carried out by the Club;

• make proposals regarding the activities of the Club, participate in their discussion and implementation;

• freely withdraw from the Club members on the basis of an application, written or oral, submitted at the general meeting. A member of the Association is considered to have left the Club from the date of the general meeting;

• enjoy the support, protection and help of the community;

• provide financial assistance to the Club on a voluntary basis.


3.4. Members of the commonwealth are obliged to:

• take part in the activities of the Club as much as possible;

• refrain from any action (inaction) that could harm the activities of the Club;

• comply with the Constitution of the Club;

• be polite and correct in relation to other members of the community, their breeding work and their animals, provide all possible assistance to the members of the Club;

• comply with the Rules for conducting Club events established by the board.


3.5. In case of non-compliance with the Constitution, a member of the Club may be warned and possibly expelled from the Club. Any member of the Club can be the initiator. The decision on the warning or exclusion is made at the general meeting, by open vote, by a majority of votes.


IV. The management procedure and structure of the Association of cavy breeders GPCo.


4.1. The governing body of the community is the executive board of the Club. All decisions are made at the general meeting, by a simple majority of votes.


4.2. The Club's executive board calls a general meeting as often as needed.


V. Conditions and procedure for admission to the Association of cavy breeders GPCo.


5.1. For fanciers:

- Any person who agrees with the Constitution of the Club and is ready to help in holding guinea pig breed exhibitions and other events can become a member of the community. To do this, he/she must apply for admission to the club in the prescribed form. The decision on adoption is carried out at the general meeting of the Club by a simple majority of votes.


5.2. For caviaries:

- in order for a caviary to become a Club caviary, it must conduct breeding work and exist as a caviary for at least 3 (three) years. The owner must submit an application in the established form. The decision on adoption is carried out at the general meeting by a simple majority of votes. - the caviary is then given a numbered Certificate of the established form with the assigned identification number, the right to use the logo and symbols of the club. The form of the pedigree is at the discretion of the breeder.


5.3. The admission of breeders and fanciers to the Club members is carried out on the basis of a personal application of the applicant; a public association - on the basis of an application with the attachment of the corresponding decision of its governing body.


5.4. The annual membership fee for members of the Club / Club caviaries is 1000 (one thousand) rubles, is paid immediately by joining the club and then every year. Payment of the fee for the next year by regular members of the Club is done in November of the current year (until November 30). Those who have not paid the membership fee before the specified date are excluded from the club.


5.5. The club reserves the right to refuse admission to membership in the Association without giving reasons.



VI. The procedure for making amendments and additions to the Constitution.


6.1. Amendments and additions to this Constitution are made by decision of the general meeting of the Association by a simple majority of votes.



VII. Property of the Association of cavy breeders GPCo.


7.1. The Association owns no property.


7.2. Voluntary contributions from Club members have a specific purpose and are accountable to the benefactor.


7.3. Club members can provide any movable property for joint possession and use of all members of the community, while retaining ownership of this property.




In arguable cases through incorrect translating, the Russian version of the Constitution prevails.


This Constitution is modeled on the Constitution of the Guinea Pig Lovers' Organization (OLMS). Many thanks to OLMS for help!

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