Welcome to the website of the association of cavy breeders GPCo.
Association GPCo is a club of cavy breeders.
Abbreviation GPCo is interpreted as Guinea Pig and Company.
It is a friendly community of people who love guinea pigs and who professionally breed these exotic animals. Main targets of the club - organization and help with the organization of cavy shows and other events, provision of useful information and help breeders by advising them on cavy breeding and treatment.
Our club has an aim to support and regulate breeding programs of breeders, to increase the awareness of different aspects of breeding and keeping guinea pigs.
We are open to cooperation with other clubs, and not only cavy clubs:)
Our caviaries have guinea pigs of different breeds from Russia and other countries around the world. We try to exhibit our animals on different shows - Russian and European - and we usually invite experienced judges from abroad to judge our shows.
GPCo is a club of people with common interests. Every member should help the club according to his/her abilities and possibilities and in ones's turn can expect help and support from the club.
Our club is the member of the European Association of Poultry, Pigeon, Cage Bird, Rabbit and Cavy Breeders (EE), and represents Russia in the Cavy section.